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Anytime you own a Chevrolet Camaro SS, there’s a fair chance that you’re probably gonna wildly tune the car in as many ways as you can. And if that includes putting on some 22-inch rims, lowering the car, and adding some hydraulics, then all the better, right?

Frankly, there’s something we call ’over-tuning’ and this one is definitely a prime candidate for that category. The rims are a good touch and lowering it is something we could get on-board with, but the hydraulics? Not so much. Quite frankly, it kind of cheapens what the Camaro SS stands for. It’s already bad-ass in its own right, but putting in some hydraulics makes it look more like a circus freak than anything else. But, hey, that’s just us. If this dude finds it awesome, then more power to him.

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