The Jetlev is made of three main components, but you’ll only need one on your body, which is very convenient. That would be a lightweight backpack, made out of carbon fiber. The other parts include a 10 meter hose to keep the water flowing to your backpack and an engine floating on water down below you. The engine sucks water and sends it through the hose to your backpack creating the needed lift to get you in the air. You navigate around with the two adjustable nozzles. The whole thing can give you a top speed of 35 km/h and a top altitude of 8.5 meters.
It took Canadian inventor Raymond Li over 10 years to create his invention and finally see it out there on the market and on its way to the beach. And hopefully, it’s going to be the beach me and my friends are visiting this summer. I can already picture it. “You’re going jet skiing, mate? – Nah, I’ll do some jet-leviing.”
Uhmm, they could probably use a better name.
Well, enough daydreaming. Jetlev does seem to be reserved only for 5 star resorts as not every resort can afford it. Price is €100,000 for just one of these bad boys so don’t expect it to pop up at your regular average-only resort any time soon.
Here’s a short video for you to enjoy!