Although there are tons of new print ads being created everyday, we managed to pick out the best print ads, that in our opinion are the most creative and delivers the great portion of inspiration. At some of these ads you need to look twice to see the hidden message, and that makes the ad even more special. Have fun ;)
> The Nikon S60: Detects up to 12 faces

> The Nikon S60: Detects up to 12 faces

> If you don't fight child abuse, who will?

> Keep on dreaming of a better world

> Omax: Wide angle lenses

> 2100 Watt Vacuum Cleaner

> Bad food, Bad dog

> An intense awakening

> Granny's fries without the granny

> Light off. Green on.

> Ortoimplant: All your teeth back just in 24 hours

> ISCA: Beautiful taps

> Even an old calendar becomes new again every 28 years

> Pepsi: One very very very lonely calorie

> When you decide to drink and drive

> Want some?

> Cigarettes smoke people

> Mischief: It's fun to be scissors

> Creativity is all about how many rules you can forget

> Don't let them get comfortable

> Pattex superglue: Instant hold

> The other side of America

> Stihl: Think bigger

> There's a much juicier chew

> Koba: Long lasting batteries