According to 27% of the people that took part in the latest Nielsen survey 4G is what the latest iPhone is called. True story!
With American carriers all keen to boast about their 4G networks to anyone who would listen, Nielsen decided to check how much people really know about 4G wireless tech. As it turned out 17% of the participants have never heard of it, while only 51% of the rest claimed to know what it means. Now that speaks volumes of the efficiency of those multi-million ad campaigns, doesn’t it?
And back to where we started, some 27% of the interviewed claimed that it was the name of the current iteration of the Apple iPhone. A new Android phone from T-Mobile was the answer of every 7th participant. Another 43% thought 4G stands for new devices that process data faster.

Still there were 54% that said 4G was a network supposed to allow data transfer speeds of at least 100 Mbps, while 16% went for either LTE or WiMax. The other answers that I’m willing to rate as close enough are wireless internet at broadband speeds (49%) and mobile network upgrade for high-quality video streaming (45%).
With American carriers all keen to boast about their 4G networks to anyone who would listen, Nielsen decided to check how much people really know about 4G wireless tech. As it turned out 17% of the participants have never heard of it, while only 51% of the rest claimed to know what it means. Now that speaks volumes of the efficiency of those multi-million ad campaigns, doesn’t it?
And back to where we started, some 27% of the interviewed claimed that it was the name of the current iteration of the Apple iPhone. A new Android phone from T-Mobile was the answer of every 7th participant. Another 43% thought 4G stands for new devices that process data faster.

Still there were 54% that said 4G was a network supposed to allow data transfer speeds of at least 100 Mbps, while 16% went for either LTE or WiMax. The other answers that I’m willing to rate as close enough are wireless internet at broadband speeds (49%) and mobile network upgrade for high-quality video streaming (45%).