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"Apple announces Aperture 3, available immediately"

You might have noticed yesterday that the Apple Store website was down for a while. It turns out that the addition of a new product caused this hiccup – the company is now distributing the new 3rd version of their image processing software Aperture. Just how can Apple be in the business for so long and still not find a way to update their website without shutting it down first is beyond me, but that’s a whole other story.

Aperture 3 features more than 200 new features, the most noteworthy of them being Faces, Places and Brushes. Faces let’s you sort and browse your images by the people that appear on them, while Places allows you to manually geo-tag your images by dropping them on a map. Brushes is a more photographic feature that allows you to paint effects over your photos.

Aperture 3 is available from the Apple store for 200 US dollars to new customers, while upgraders only need to pay half as much

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