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by GenCept | April 19, 2010

I have been writing some articles showing you really nice offices around the world. And for my surprise there is one of this great offices in a brazilian city really close to me. I'm talking about an office called M² Arquitetura. As soon as I looked at it I was impressed and decided to show it to you... and I'm sure you will love it.

M² Arquietura is located in Joinville, SC, Brazil. They are an architecture company that develops projects in many fields: residential, comercial, industrial, corporative, decoration and interiors. The current M² Arquitetura headquarter is a revitalization of an old storage place in the center of the city. The place has several industrial elements, such as apparent wooden structures, and systems of lightening and ventilation in sheds. A really beautiful place. And as I said to them, it makes me want to go back being an architect to work in a place like this!

The main idea that inspired the project was preserving the original elements of the building and make the space bigger, transparent and as much integrated as possible. So to accomplish that they made an office with no walls and the doors are made of glass. All the departments of the company and the steps of the process are open so every team member and even the clients can see it.

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

In the reception there is a store window. This space is turned to the side walk and is a multi-use area used for exhibitions of artists and stores, besides also showing some of their own designs. The window is a space of transition between the public and the private.

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

A Brazilian Architecure Office - M² Arquietura

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