by GenCept | March 08, 2010
Domestic violence can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality, wealth or geography, yet the problem is often overlooked, excused, or denied. Female is the worst victim in the disaster. Studies show that between one quarter and one half of all women in the world have been abused by intimate partners. Worldwide, 40-70% of all female murder victims are killed by an intimate partner.
Over the years, several actions have been taken to prevent the weak away from domestic violence. Some commonweal organizations even advertise to warn the public. Here are some advertising examples, have a view and pay more attention to those who are suffering domestic violence.
You Can Tell Us Your Real Story

Family Violence is All Around Us

Citizens Against Spouse Abuse

Citizens Against Spouse Abuse

Every Kid on the Street Has a Story

1 Out of 5 Women is A Victim of Domestic Violence

He Gave Me This When He Proposed

He Gave Me This for My Birthday

Slience Hurts

Slience Hurts

You Can Lose More Than Your Patience

You Can Lose More Than Your Patience

The Only Witness Won't Talk

The Only Witness Won't Talk

Mom was Reading Me a Tale, Till Daddy Came Back

Mom was Reading Me a Tale, Till Daddy Came Back

It's Easy to Save Somebody

It's Easy to Save Somebody

Contains Scenes of Mum Being Held to the Floor and Punched Repeatedly

Contains Scenes of Mum Being Dragged Across the Room by Her Hair Screaming

If She is Your Wife, Still Desperate to Beat Her?

If She is Your Child, Still Desperate to Slap Her?

For Many Women, The Threat isn't on the Outside

For Many Women, The Threat isn't on the Outside

Verbal Abuse Can Be Just Horrific

Verbal Abuse Can Be Just Horrific