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For me, one of the greatest kinds of buildings is a lighthouse. I find amazing how much big storms it takes during a year and keeps showing the way to sailors everywhere. There are some photographers that really know how to catch the different feelings of it.

I'm not going to make a poem out of it, so I just hope you all enjoy my selection. Here are featured the work of some amazing photographers... I recommend you all to check out their work at their portfolios. They'll appreciate it! Show them some love. Cheers! ;p

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

Amazing Picture of a Lighthouse

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